I agree that Natalie Herle, teacher and owner of Music with Miss Natalie can not be held liable for any accidental injuries, medical/allergic reactions or any other unfortunate events that may occur on the premises of her home. Nor can any of her family members be held liable for such events. Natalie and members of her home take preventative measures and do everything in their power to prevent such accidents from happening.
Pick Up/Drop Off & Attendance (If Applicable)
I understand that ALL CHILDREN UNDER 9 MUST HAVE A REGISTERED OR DECLARED GUARDIAN COME TO THE DOOR FOR PICK UP. Children 9+ can have a registered or declared guardian wave from vehicle.
I agree that I am responsible for declaring if someone unregistered is going to pick up my child. If an unknown person attempts to pick up the child, the teacher holds the right to keep the child on site until confirmation is received from a registered guardian.
I understand that the teacher can not be held liable in the case a child makes a misleading statement about their pick up arrangements for alternative agendas.
I understand the teacher can not be held liable in the case a child does not attend their lesson for alternative agendas.
I understand I will be notified If my child has missed two lessons consecutively without reason.
I understand that my tuition is due monthly on my payment date.
I authorize Music with Miss Natalie to charge my credit card for agreed upon purchases. I understand that my information will be saved on file in keeping with PCI-DSS and data privacy requirements and will be used for future transactions on my account.
I understand that if the transaction does not proceed, I have 30 days to resolve the issue or agree upon an alternative temporary payment method. I understand that failure to make monthly payments for a prolonged amount of time can lead to Music with Miss Natalie terminating lessons.
Missed Lessons & Late Policy
I understand that if I/my child/ren can not attend their lesson Music with Miss Natalie is not obligated to refund or schedule a make-up lesson outside of my yearly allowance and/or credits.
I understand that if I/my child/ren are late Music with Miss Natalie is not obligated to refund or schedule a make-up lesson.
I understand that in the case of questionable weather conditions, Music with Miss Natalie will be aligned with the discernment of School District #34. In the case of closure, I will be offered the option a refund for the missed lesson on my next payment date or a free make-up lesson. In the case that I can not make it and Music with Miss Natalie remains open Music with Miss Natalie is not obligated to refund or schedule a make-up lesson outside of my yearly allowance and/or credits.
I understand that in the case Music with Miss Natalie needs to cancel a lesson for personal reasons, I will be offered the option of a refund for the missed lesson or a free make-up lesson. In the event that a distraction or an unexpected event arises during lesson time I will be offered the option of a refund for the missed lesson or a free make-up lesson.
I understand that I am given an allowance of two makeup lesson credits per school year, per spot. I understand that if I do not use my makeup lesson credits by the end of the school year, Music with Miss Natalie is not required to refund the cash value of the makeup lesson credits. Makeup lesson credits may be transferred to the next school year.
I agree that if I perceive my child is showing symptoms of illness or is unwell I will not bring them to their lesson. In this case the teacher is not obligated to refund or schedule a make-up lesson outside of my yearly allowance and/or credits.
I understand that if the teacher perceives symptoms of illness, the teacher holds the right to send the student home. In this case the teacher is not obligated to refund or schedule a make-up lesson outside of my yearly allowance and/or credits.
Behavioural causes for terminating lessons
I understand that the following behaviours are unacceptable and that Music with Miss Natalie holds the right to terminate lessons in the case that either I, my child or one of my child's guardians demonstrates any of the following:
Verbal abuse
Physical abuse
Destruction of property or personal belongings
Substance use on property or obvious intoxication
Cancellation Policy
I understand that I am required to give notice 14 days prior to my payment date in order to cancel my/ my child/ren's enrolment. If notice is given after 14 days prior to my payment date, I am required to provide payment for the next month.
I understand I am not entitled to a refund if I have not used my annual allowance of make up lessons and/or credits.