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4 yrs to Adult
*guitar, bass & banjo not recommended until at least 7 yrs of age

Instrument Readiness 

I strongly encourage this before beginning an instrument. You may find I recommend this after a casual assessment. This is a program designed by me to ensure that children have the necessary foundation to begin an instrument. It focuses on learning tonal and rhythm patterns through body percussion and singing. I believe instruments are extensions of the body and music needs to be internalized before attempting it on an instrument. 


Voice lessons Abbotsford
One of my most thoughtfully curated curriculums. Students learn about melody, rhythm, breath and tone all while discovering their own unique voice. Students are encouraged to be bold and overcome fears.

Traditional Piano

Piano lessons Abbotsford
Follows Faber's "Piano Adventures" books levels 1 - 8. Notation focused. 

Contemporary Piano

piano lessons abbotsford
For students who want to play more modern and popular songs. Open to other learning methods aside from notation. 
voice and piano abbotsford

Voice & Piano combo

Student learns to sing and play their favourite songs. Is focused mainly on chord theory and includes elements of my voice curriculum. 

Acoustic Guitar

guitar lessons abbotsford
Students learn to recognize tablature and chord charts as well as strumming patterns and proper finger technique.
guitar voice abbotsford

Voice & Acoustic combo

Student learns to sing and strum their favourite songs. Is focused mainly on chord theory and includes elements of my voice curriculum. 
guitar lessons abbotsford

Electric Guitar

For the wild child! Student learns lot's of fun tricks and riffs. Covers tablature, fretboard recognition, scales and power chords. Focuses on playing with conviction and power. 

Beginner Bass

music lessons abbotsford
Student learns tablature and fretboard recognition, octaves and common "walks". How to lock in the groove and attack is heavily focused on.


ukulele lessons abbotsford
Students learns to recognize tablature and chord charts as well as strumming patterns and proper finger technique. Can be a great alternative to guitar if under the age of 8. 


banjo lessons abbotsford
Student learns tablature, chords and lot's of tricks. Momentum & speedy picking is heavily coached.   

voice & Uke combo

sing ukulele abbotsford
Student learns to sing and strum their favourite songs. Is focused mainly on chord theory and includes elements of my voice curriculum. 
drum lessons abbotsford

Beginner Drums

Student learns the names of each drum and how to audibly recognize them. Student learns how to hold the sticks and how to hit the drums dynamically. As well as note values, tempo, time signatures and counting. Covers standard beats and their favourite songs.
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